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Checklist: Cleanup & Winterizing Row Crop Planters

With fall rapidly turning into winter, it's important to make sure your row crop planters are stored properly and ready to go for the spring planting season. Here's a checklist of what to do to make your planter is in top shape for the spring.

1. Clean

  • Remove debris from planter frame and row units

  • With a hose or pressure washer, clean well between double-disc openers

  • Thoroughly clean the entire planter with a hose or pressure washer

  • Clean row boxes and meters with a shop vac or compressed air.

  • If you have a bulk-fill tank, clean this with a shop vac or compressed air as well.

2. Maintain

  • Inspect row units & meters for worn and broken parts for replacement ahead of the spring season.

  • Grease all fittings & oil chains OR coat with silicone spray

  • Check tire pressures

  • If equipped with liquid fertilizer- flush with water, clean strainer screens, & add RV anti-freeze

  • Dry fertilizer systems should be washed, allowed to dry, then spray rust-prone areas with Fluid Film or an oil/diesel mixture

  • Auxilary PTO pump systems (i.e. Case IH, Kinze, or HydraBoost units)

3. Store

  • Inside if possible, or cover with a tarpaulin if being stored outside.

Cleaning your planter will make sure it's in great shape for the spring season.

Keep ahead of any maintenance issues that may arise in the spring- and make sure to order any parts well ahead of time! Need more hydraulics to run your planter? Click here to learn more about our auxiliary hydraulic systems.


Dan Symington

Sales Representative

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